Record Label with Viral Hit Protects Copyright with Flou

September 5, 2024
Record Label with Viral Hit Protects Copyright with Flou


Smash Hits is a dynamic independent record label from Puerto Rico, founded by Berklee College of Music alumni and producers, Mistel Kind and Super Solo. With a growing audience of 450K monthly listeners on Spotify and over 2M streams for their hit “Call Center” with De La Rose, the label is making waves in the Latin urban music scene. Smash Hits collaborates with various artists, including Gil, JZAEB, Lemu, Laya Kalima, and DIA.

The Challenge:

As Smash Hits’ project took off, they faced increasing challenges in managing contracts, especially split sheets and collaboration agreements. Each split sheet required manually inputting writer and publisher information, which had to be repeated for every document. This involved multiple platforms—uploading files to one system, downloading them to another for signing, and then re-uploading the signed versions. With collaborations involving different artists outside their label, the administrative burden became overwhelming. This outdated process was not sustainable as their music releases and partnerships increased.

Flou scales with us as our label grows. What used to take hours now takes minutes, and we’re able to focus on making music instead of managing paperwork – Mistel Kind, Smash Hits.

The Requirements:

Smash Hits needed an all-in-one solution that could:

  • Streamline split sheet and collaboration agreement creation.
  • Provide ready-to-use and customizable contract templates.
  • Offer a modern, scalable contract management system that would grow with their expanding career.
  • Allow them to share feedback and suggestions to ensure the platform continuously adapts to their evolving needs.

The Solution:

Flou provided Smash Hits with a scalable, all-in-one platform that centralized contract creation, signing, and storage. The platform’s library of customizable templates saved the label thousands of dollars in legal fees by eliminating the need for constant lawyer involvement. Flou’s EZ Splits feature allowed the team to input writer information once and generate split sheets in under 40 seconds, drastically cutting down the time spent on this repetitive task.

With Flou’s EZ Splits, I just select the writers, and within seconds, the split sheet is ready to go. It’s never been easier to manage collaborations – Super Solo, Smash Hits.

Additionally, Flou’s open feedback environment ensured that Smash Hits could suggest improvements, ensuring the platform remained relevant to their specific business model. The ability to work from one centralized platform made managing collaborations with external artists much more efficient.

The Results

Flou’s solution provided Smash Hits with significant benefits:

  • Saved Time: Flou’s EZ Splits feature cut down split sheet creation time to under one minute, drastically reducing admin workload.
  • Streamlined Operations: Smash Hits now manages the entire contract process, from drafting to signing and storing, all within a single platform.
  • Scalability: As Smash Hits continues to collaborate with more artists and release new music, Flou’s platform scales with them, making it the ideal solution for labels looking to manage their contracts efficiently as they grow.
The best part is that once I create all the splits and contracts I need, I just click 'send,' the parties sign it, and we’re all done. Everything is in one place, organized and easy to access. – Super Solo, Smash Hits


Title: Smash Hits Scales Contract Management and Saves Time with Flou

Client: Smash Hits, a modern independent record label from Puerto Rico, focused on Latin urban music with 450K monthly listeners on Spotify. They work with artists like De La Rose, Gil, JZAEB, Lemu, Laya Kalima, and DIA.

Challenge: Smash Hits needed to streamline the manual creation of split sheets and collaboration agreements, which involved repetitive tasks and managing files across multiple platforms. Their business model, involving collaborations with artists not signed under their label, further complicated the process.

Solution: Flou provided an all-in-one contract management platform, featuring customizable templates and the EZ Splits feature, which allows split sheets to be created in under 40 seconds. The platform also centralizes contract drafting, signing, and storage, streamlining their workflow and reducing legal fees.


  • Saved thousands in legal fees.
  • Reduced split sheet creation time to under one minute.
  • Centralized and organized contract management in one place, simplifying collaboration with artists.

"Flou scales with us as our label grows. What used to take hours now takes minutes, and we’re able to focus on making music instead of managing paperwork."